Pearls of Dalmatia

Croatia Bike + Boat Tours

Bike & boat in Croatia from Split to Dubrovnik or reverse

Wayne S.
4 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Enjoyed riding and visiting the islands, they were just beautiful. The crew of the Romantica were very attentive and friendly. The food was fantastic at every meal.

Marilyn S.
4 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Wow! Hands down, one of our best vacations ever!! Everything was memorable . . . gorgeous landscapes (new eye candy every day!), beautiful weather (Sept. 20 - 27) - 70's and sunny, challenging exercise, exquisite meals, dipping in the crystal clear Adriatic . . . and, best of all, getting to know our terrific guides, Romantica staff, and travel mates from all around the globe (Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Canada, and the U.S.).
My husband (70) and I (64) love to bike ride, but we weren't quite sure what to expect on this trip in regards to elevation. The rides were tough, but so rewarding when finishing. I rode a regular bike 4 out of the 6 days; My husband rode a regular bike 5 out of the 6 days - it was so great that extra e-bikes were available so we had a choice on the most difficult days. Only 3 riders (out of the 26) rode regular bikes all 6 days.
We love adventure and active vacations . . . this trip was the best!!

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