Barneveld Townhouse for Rent

Netherlands Bike Tours

Located in bucolic Barneveld, Netherlands

Sally Fischbeck
4 years ago

Verified Reviewer

Excellent location for an authentic view of the Netherlands! We never had to rent a car, only a bike. We flew into Amsterdam and took a train to Barneveld and walked the short distance to the townhouse from the station. From there we had lots of marked bike paths as well as roads to explore this beautiful farming area. We easily walked to a grocery store and various restaurants. The accommodations at the townhouse were very comfortable and clean, and it was right next to a park and an elementary school. It was so fun to see children being dropped off by parents by bike in the morning! We also used the train (loading our bikes on the train with us) to explore nearby cities and flower festivals. Easy to do, and a real European experience! We learned about the history of the area during WW II and could see the earthen works fortifications along some of the bike paths. Would recommend you get a local guide to explain more about that. I highly recommend this location. We felt immersed in the country and didn't feel like tourists, although because we wore bike helmets we did look like tourists!

Marsha Hildebrand
11 years ago

Verified Reviewer

We spent 2 weeks in the Barneveld townhouse and loved it. This is an ideal alternative for the more independent traveler who wants to bike and explore at your own pace. We used Barneveld as our home base and did a lot of cycling in the nearby National Park. The townhouse is located near the edge of town and you can be cycling through tranquil farmland within 10 minutes. Bike paths in Holland are flat and typically in excellent condition making longer distances doable. I preferred to use an electric bike and Hennie made all the arrangements for me with a very good local bike shop which was about a 10-minute walk from the townhouse. The townhouse is not your typical vacation rental. It is a lovely home with comfortable furniture and excellent appliances including a full size washer and dryer. The kitchen has everything you could possibly need. There is even a private back patio where you can hang your wash outside if you prefer and dine when the weather is warm. There is a large supermarket at the end of the block and many restaurant and shopping opportunities, all within walking distance. All in all a great location. We loved it!

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