Photo Friday: Lake Constance

Photo Friday: Lake Constance

We connected with Tripsite Traveler, Rami, who recently traveled to Lake Constance with his family. Rami explains how great it felt to get back to traveling and exploring new places with his family. Below is a short interview and some great photos from their trip!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your family.

We are a family of 5 (Dad, Mom, Grandpa, 5-year-old, and 1-year-old). We love to travel and have grown to love biking trips. We love visiting smaller towns due to the friendliness of the people and being away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities. We currently live in California, in the Los Angeles area.

Family Bike tourTraveling during Covid

What are some of your favorite pastimes, hobbies, or activities?

Dad is a lover of hockey and tennis. Mom loves to travel and hike wherever the trail will take her. Grandpa is a big soccer fan and loves to travel as well. Our 5-year-old Zaiden loves to play games and Pokemon while our 1-year-old, Anya, loves whoever will give her a hug and animals.

Why did you pick the Lake Constance bike tour?

We wanted a family-friendly tour that did not require much exertion. Hauling 2 kids behind us was difficult enough, so we wanted flat ground. Also, the family-friendly option was great. They took us to an adventure park, Ravensburg Spieleand, and had other family-friendly activities ready for us.

Lake Constance Family Bike Tour - Tripsite

Describe the highlights of this trip. What was your favorite part?

As above, Ravensberg Spieleland was the perfect activity for young kids. The rides were mostly designed for them and they had a blast. Even Dad loved the roller coaster. In Austria, we got to ride the cable car up a little mountain. The views at the top were remarkable. They also had a cute playground for the kids to play on.

Gondola ride Lake Constance

How was it traveling since the lockdown?

We must say the trip was even better because it has been so long since we’ve been overseas. It had been well over a year since we traveled and we were very eager to go. We missed it so much! Just having different types of food, drinks, and hearing a different language made the trip even better.

If you could go on any one of our tours, which one would you choose? Why?

I think if I was going to pick another tour, it would have to be Hungary, Lake Balaton Bike Tour. It has the right amount of stopping for kids (2 night stay in 2 different locations). With kids, it is all about balance. It can be challenging biking every day, so a break here and there makes the trip even better!


Lake Constance Family Bike Tour - Tripsite
Quick stop: Nearing the end of our ride to Konstanz, there was a small cafe at the side of the bike path for coffee, sweets, and drinks. The kids loved the attached playset where they played until their ice cream arrived.

View of Lake Constance
Sunflower City: Here we are making a quick stop in Switzerland. In this area, there were yards full of sunflowers with the added benefit of Lake Constance views in the background.

Lake Constance Family Bike Tour - Tripsite
Watch Out Behind You! In nearby Arbon on our way from Rohrsach, there was a lovely playground that the kids wanted to play on. Many of these playgrounds bordered the bike path around Lake Constance.

Fireworks over Lake Constance
Fireworks! Randomly after dinner and as we were walking back to our hotel in Rohrsach, we noticed fireworks in the distance. The kids and parents enjoyed the about 30 minute show to end the night.

Beautiful view of Lake Constance
Beautiful Bregenz: Here we are at the top of Pfander cable car in Bregenz, Austria. The views were magnificent and there was a small restaurant at the top where we had our lunch and coffee. The playground at the top was also a fan favorite for the kids!

Lake Constance Family Bike Tour - Tripsite
Lion in Lindau: After a great stay in the hotel in Lindau, we took a tour biking through the city and stopped by the Lion that stands over Lindau.

Family Bike Tour
Having a Blast at Ravensberg Spieleland: One of the main excursions of the entire trip was a trip to the amusement park in Ravensberg. Here the kids are inside a fake airplane. Along with all the rides, there were a few areas of entertainment, including a soccer area where you can test how hard you can kick it and this airplane where you can pretend you are the pilots and passengers!

Bike riding on path Lake Constance

Riding Along the Lake: Here we are on the German side of Lake Constance. Much of this tour was on bike paths that bordered the lake.

Special thanks to Rami for sharing his experience. To read more stories from our Tripsite Travelers, visit our travel blog.


Tam Schmidt
3 years ago

Verified Reviewer

My husband and I biked around Lake Constance a few years back. We really like the freedom of the self-guided tour set up by tripsite. I would highly recommend this tour for couples and families. The ease of riding on the bike paths around the lake really made this self guided tour fun and relaxing.

3 years ago

Verified Reviewer

Thanks for the insight. My wife and I are doing the 12 day self-guided tour around Lake Constance in May 2022. We are so excited to return to Europe and experience this biking vacation. This blog with photos made us more excited than we already are!!!


Jan VandenHengel
3 years ago

Tripsite Staff


What a fantastic trip along with glorious photos. I applaud you and your family for traveling. I also recently got back from Europe (twice in fact) and had similarly fantastic trips.


Jan VandenHengel
3 years ago

Tripsite Staff


What a fantastic trip along with glorious photos. I applaud you and your family for traveling. I also recently got back from Europe (twice in fact) and had similarly fantastic trips.


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