Amsterdam to Bruges Tour Reviews — 1 to 30 of 310

Biking the windmills of Kinderdijk, South Holland.

Amsterdam to Bruges

8 days from €1265

4.8 out of 5

Amsterdam to Bruges

Easy Bike + Boat Tour in Netherlands, Belgium

From Holland's intriguing capital to Belgium's artistic gem, this bike and boat tour follows meandering rivers and canals from Amsterdam to Bruges. The Golden Age of the 17th Century was a peaceful…

4.8 out of 5


Richard B.
1 week ago

Verified Reviewer

The entire trip was just so wonderful, the food, the accommodations, the guide, the staff and the places visited. The food was probably the biggest surprise. Each and everyday we had a delectable 3 course dinner. Everything was fresh and tasty. The beds were very comfortable and each stop was so peaceful and quiet, it was easy to get a good night's rest. We opted for e-bikes, more so for the wind than hills. We were fortunate to have only one ride with extreme rain (so have good rain gear or opt to stay on the boat if you know the weather is going to be really bad). After the trip, we have put this vacation as our best ever!

Letitia K.
3 weeks ago

Verified Reviewer

The crew was amazing. The boat very comfortable. The scenery outstanding. The food excellent. Even the weather behaved. Our Guides Andre and Franklin provided historic information in addition to keeping us all safe. It was great to be on a trip with people of the same interests. One suggestion would be if you are sensitive to insect bites bring repellant!
A great experience overall. So glad we checked it off of our to do list!

1 month ago

Verified Reviewer

We just got off the Magnifique III today. What a wonderful trip despite some inclimate weather. Our biking guides Peter and Edith were fun, knowledgeable, encouraging and brought us to some very interesting local places on our very scenic ride through countryside, fields, forests and towns. We had very full days eating breakfast at 8, on the road by 9:30 and back on the boat by 5 ish, depending on how many miles were covered , or if you took the long or short routes offered. The meals cooked by Chef Steven were magnificent-steak, seafood, fish and lots of veggie option- way beyond what I expected. Meike and Annika kept us very happy on board and took care of rooms and provisions. Captain Hank and first mate Jarre were experts at what they do, made themselves available for questions and occasional tours of the boat and kept us informed of our routes and sights along the way.
We had morning and nightly briefings, and Peter gave lots of history, tours and background info.
I Read More

1 month ago

Verified Reviewer

A note and not a review. Some colleagues returned to the Fluvius a few minutes after midnight and the sliding glass doors on either side of the main deck were locked. These doors were locked with a key on both the outside and the inside. My concern is that if there were an emergency and crew were not available, passengers could not open the sliding glass doors from the inside. I think this is a safety issue and those doors should have an emergency inside lock that can be opened by any passenger or crew without a key or without specific training.

Overall, a great trip. Excellent meals - thanks to Mirka and her staff. Carla and Laura were great tour guides and I hope Carla recovers from her accident soon.

Another suggestion - review mirrors on the bikes would make keeping groups together a bit easier.

Vic K.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Although the guided tour had its frustrations and the rainy - windy weather didn’t help, the experience was worth the trip. However, it was frustrating that more attention/instruction was not given to novice bikers. Firstly, they needed to understand the e-bike, specifically to understand the function of gearing down and powering up when needed. Secondly novice bikers didn’t understand NOT to crowd other bikers and to keep a safe distance. Also your marketing should be clear state that they shoukd be experienced bikers. Some areas were highly trafficked - bike auto and train - therefore novice bikers are at great risk. The guides were unfamiliar with the trail and particularly in the first days were getting lost. Your selection for lunch stops were poor. We ate our sandwiches (which got really boring after the second day) outside in the rain. Suggest you add some lunch stops at some local sheltered restaurants with enough time to enjoy and experience the local fare.

Kevin F.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

My most memorable part of the trip was the barge and crew. It was a pleasure to be on the barge.

Rejane S.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Hello. The trip is nice, beautiful ride! The only thing makes me very upset is the way the chef treat me, his rude. Never in my life, someone talk to me that way. His name is Emilio! All other stafs is so nice.

colette s.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The cycling through beautiful trails, seeing the country in a way you would not by car or train. Meeting the lovely people on Board geeting to know them, and also our tour Guide Albert, He was so good and kind. Our Chef Marcel and the crew.
Looking forward to doing another trip next May with more friends.

Charlie T.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The food was excellent. Ebikes are the way to go. Know your route so not surprised. Book an upstairs room.

Leonard K.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Every aspect of the trip was first rate, but the luxury of the barge, the quality of the meals and the attentiveness of all the staff deserve special mention and praise. Well done everyone!

Thomas S.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Some great self-guided cycling routes.

Would have appreciated more information en route regarding points of interest, not just directions.

Oddly, water was not provided at dinner except at an additional cost - unusual for an active cycling trip when hydration is important.

Also no coffee or tea expect at prescribed times, unavailable if one arrived back to barge later than the prescribed time.

No wifi except at an additional cost.

Lorie W.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

This was the most wonderful trip I have ever taken. The scenery was beautiful, the weather was perfect and the trip was very well organized. We met some wonderful people who were also on our barge and the ebikes we used made the trip delightfully doable (we did bring along extra gel seat pads for the bikes which were welcomed after a few days of riding!) Our guide was knowledgable and funny and kept our group on target. Our group was pretty large and it would have be nice to have had an extra guide as our sweep but our guide Maryann did an excellent job of handling mishaps when they occurred.This will go down as one of the most wonderful trips I have taken and I would encourage everyone to sign have this adventure!

Christine P.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Everything. Loved the idea of biking through the country and spending time on the barge with the guests. The boat crew were very friendly and helpful. The food was excellent and the accommodations were great. I would do this again and have recommended it to my friends.

Tiffany D.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Well most memorable was the people who rode into the canal. Fortunately they were ok. And there was the man who hit the tunnel wall and took out another cyclist. It was rumored he was drinking vodka in his water bottle. Besides these incidents the best part was the daily riding through idyllic towns and pastoral areas where birds had their young, fields of flowers abound and people were so friendly.

2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

We had an absolutely amazing trip on the Sailing Home! The crew was outstanding and the experience memorable. I would love to do it again. The only complaint that I have is that for such a large group, we should have a rear guide that is part of the team.

Kate S.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

From the moment we boarded the Magnifique IV to the morning we left everything was exceptional…Mariela was our cycling guide for the week and she couldn’t have been more lovely. We had beautiful weather and each day of cycling was interesting and fun! All members of the crew went out of their way to make us comfortable and the food prepared by Jules was delicious! We had a great group of travellers and enjoyed our social time on the barge each evening. We would highly recommend the adventure!
John and Kate

Karen S.
2 months ago

Verified Reviewer

We loved travelling on the Magnifique II from Amsterdam to Bruges. It’s a beautiful, intimate barge with nice sized rooms. With only 30 people on board we got to know almost everyone. The food was amazing everyday and all 7 staff were friendly and accommodating. The guided biking was the highlight even though we didn’t have great weather. Both of the biking guides were great fun, informative and kept everyone safe.

Nicolas R.
7 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The ease and convenience of returning to the ship every afternoon to share experiences with the rest of our group was the most noteworthy comment I could make. However there were many other hiighliights.
Riding through the Dutch countryside on the first day was a highlight.
Both guides and the bikes were great and the varied nature of the cycle paths on this tour was terrific.
Food was varied, good quality and well prepared. Rooms were efficient and comfortable as advertised.
Onboard staff from Croatia were terrific – friendly, hard working, accommodating and very nice with our grandsons.

Deirdre R.
9 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The Magnifique 11 promised luxury, and they most certainly delivered every step of the way! The welcome from the captain, chef, tour guides and assistants was outstanding. They established a comraderie among the guests who were sharing the experience. Our rooms were immaculate, the food tasty and beautifully presented, fantastic 24hour coffee machine too. The first two days of biking were brutal with the head winds, but getting an e-bike was a saver, one I would recommend, even as a seasoned biker! We’ve come home with new friendships - so how rich is that! Thank you so much for another grand experience tripsite! (My 4th)

Carol P.
9 months ago

Verified Reviewer

We had a wonderful time on our trip. The Boat ,room, staff, and meals were excellent. All the staff work very hard to make sure all have a great trip.
One thing I would recommend to others is to bring light rain gear and gloves for riding

Don S.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The people on board. And the food. Stella was great, too. I liked the open windows in the upstairs rooms. Also, coffee or cappuccino, espresso 24/7.

Ronald B.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The overall organised week-the daily presentation of our next days excursions. On top of biking through beautiful routes , we also benefited from nightly activities and presentations of local cultural products such as chocolaterie,beer and cuisine.
The warm and welcoming reception of the whole crew, especially our two experienced and knowledgeable guides : Peter Van Avermaet & Tom Stout ,their camaraderie and sense of humor made the whole group feel at ease !
The chef was very accommodating as I had requested a gluten and lactose free diet. Many thanks !!!
Tips - In order to fully enjoy this wonderful adventure ,when booking a Bike & Barge ,you should be ready ,comfortable and expecting to be biking !!!!

Glen H.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Excellent staff, from the Captain on down through the chef, support personnel and the two knowledgeable tour guides on the very comfortable and well appointed Magnifique 11.

Tip: the pendulum has swung strongly towards the use of E bikes on this tour. Suggest you put the miles in ahead of time, if you plan to go with a hybrid bike so as to comfortably keep up with the e bikers.

Andrew H.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The quality of the boat's amenities, the cuisine and the areas travelled through were exceptional.
My last bike and barge was more than a decade ago. Since then the growth of e-bikes has accelerated. On this tour, 24 of 34 riders were using e-bikes. I'm not convinced that mixing e-bikes and regular bikes is viable.

shelley R.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The whole trip was amazing!! But the one thing that sticks out is when we we stopped at the Canadian war cemetery…. And after touring around… Peter our guide stood proud in front of us and read the Poem “Flanders Field”. It brought tears to most of eyes.
Tips& suggestions… please make sure you know how to ride a bike! Being a bike tour… this is very important, as our tour guides did have to make the decision to have one couple stay back as they were not confident on the bikes. It is an easy ride but we did ride in towns and over cobble stone road ways. But they had to make that decision for the safety for them and others and I know it was a hard decision, but for that we thank them.

Martine O.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The whole trip was memorable and the guides made it even more special. They was so funny and very informative. Always wanting to help you if you needed it and always so approachable.

Richard F.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

The tour guides, the boat captain, the chef and the kitchen manager were all extremely friendly and helpful. They made the trip a pleasure. My only suggestion is for the tour guides to pay attention to rush hour bicycle travel times and not have out group on the road in and around cities during rush hour.

Maya H.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

All of it was memorable- cycling by farms and canals, how old the towns are, and how beautiful the cathedral of Ghent is inside, Bruge at night…

Alice T.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

Good trails, good food and the app “Ride with gps” was the best.
The bikes were good, seats comfortable.
The bar on the ship had reasonable prices.
The Fluvius boat needed updating. The room smelt musty and the air conditioning didn’t always work.
The first day something made us late so we were given our bikes at dusk to try them out and get adjustments made. Not enough time before it was dark.
It was pretty bad to run out of water numerous times.
The ice machine didn’t work so occasionally they bought ice.
The staff turn over was incredible. None of the staff seemed to be with the company very long.
The guides were excellent. We did self guided and we think that had GPS on us as everytime when we weren’t sure which way to go a guide would show up and help us out. The app was very good to tell you when you were off course.
This was my first bike and barge trip so I can’t compare it to another.

Ray C.
10 months ago

Verified Reviewer

It was a amazing trip, the crew of Liza Marleen was a great crew. The guide for our trip (Sietse) was the main reason that the trip was exceptional for us all as he was a very hard working member that tour with us all day and then led a tour each evening ashore. His knowledge of the Netherlands was very informative and entertaining. Each day he always had a plan of the day on where we were going and plans of what we would visit.

If you are looking to do a biking trip of the Netherlands, look no further than the Amsterdam to Brugge you will thoroughly enjoy the whole trip and have a wonderful time