Birding in Colombia’s Coffee Region & Cali
Colombia Hiking + Walking Tours
Welcome to the world’s premier birdwatching destination!
This birding tour in Colombia will not disappoint. This exotic country is the second most megadiverse in South America, holding nearly 10% of global biodiversity within its borders. Of the over 1,900 recorded species of birds found here, 80 are endemic.
You will explore places like Araucana and Rio Blanco with incredible species like Colombian chachalaca, Parkers Antbird, Apical Flycatcher as well as 17 species of hummingbirds. the Tinamú Birding Reserve where you may catch a glimpse of the Red-crowned Woodpecker, the Brown Violetear, or the Steely-vented Hummingbird, which are among the hundreds of recorded species of birds in this area.
Los Nevados National Park, besides holding such treasures as the Andean Condor and the Shining Sunbeam, is a paradise on earth where you can relax in the natural thermal springs while looking at the snowy peaks of Volcano del Ruiz.
- Cali, the Salsa dancing capital of the world
- San Antonio Cloud Forest
- Rio Blanco Reserve, with 380+ recorded bird species
- Tinamú Birding Reserve, with 260+ registered bird species
- Los Nevados National Park, a hidden treasure with its snow-capped volcanos
- Incredible bird species
Explore more of our Columbia tours here.
Day 1: Arrival to Cali
Day 2: Cali, San Antonio Cloud Forest - Kilometro 18
Day 3: Cali, San Antonio Cloud Forest - El Queremal
Day 4: Araucana Lodge and transfer to Manizales
Day 5: Rio Blanco Reserve
Day 6: Otún Quimbaya Reserve - Tatamá National Park
Day 7: Termales del Ruiz
Day 8: Tinamú Birding Reserve
Day 9: Tinamú and transfer to Pereira
Day 10: The Trail of the Tapir
Day 11: DepartureDay 1: Arrival to Cali
Bienvenidos a Colombia - Welcome to Colombia! You will be picked up by your English-speaking guide at the Cali Airport in Cali and transferred (approximately 1.5 hours) to the Araucana Lodge, one of the best birding lodges in Valle del Cauca. There are over 186 species of birds that have been registered in Araucana, including 4 endemics: Parkers Antbird, Colombian Chachalac, Gratish Piculet, and Apical Flycatcher. You may also be lucky enough to spot the Bar-crested Antshrike, Spectacles Parrotlet, Purple-throated Woodstar, and Blue-headed Saphire. The forests are also home to 17 species of hummingbirds, attracted with drinkers and bananas. Here you will enjoy a delicious lunch and dinner (depending on arrival time).There will be time to ask your guide any questions regarding your upcoming itinerary.
Accommodation: Araucana Lodge
Meals: Lunch and dinnerDay 2: Cali, San Antonio Cloud Forest - Kilometro 18
An early start today where you will transfer from Cali to the San Antonio Cloud Forest (30 minutes / 12 km), also known as sector "kilomtro 18 IBA Reserve". You will arrive at Finca Alejandria. On a farm where feeders attract a massive amount of local hummers, it is possible to sight the Fawn-breasted Brilliant, Blue-headed Sapphire, Bronzy Inca, Andean Emerald, Buff-tailed Coronet, Purple-throated Woodstar (near-endemic), Long-tailed Sylph, Brown Violetear, and the Booted Racket-tail. The main attraction is the sheer abundance of tanagers, with the Multicolored Tanager (endemic) being the most prized. Flocks of Beryl-spangled, Golden-naped, Saffron-crowned, Golden, Metallic-green, and Bay-headed Tanagers regularly visit along with the Hollywood pair of female and male Red-headed Barbets, Colombian Chachalacas (endemic), and the occasional coati.Within the well-preserved cloud forest, you can expect to see an exciting variety of hummingbirds such as the Purple-throated Woodstar (near-endemic), Western and Andean Emeralds, Booted Racket-tail, Long-tailed Sylph, Speckled Hummingbird, Bronzy Inca, White-necked Jacobin, and Buff-tailed Coronet. You may be very lucky to see the Velvet-purple Coronet (near-endemic) which has also begun to visit. Special care should be taken to watch out for the Crested Quetzal and difficult Scaled Fruiteater, both of which are local to this forest. Other cloud forest specialties include the Collared Trogon, Andean Solitaire, Chestnut-breasted Wren, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Sickle-winged Guan, and more. Tonight, you will enjoy dinner at Araucana Lodge.
Accommodation: Araucana Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Entrance fee: Finca AlejandriaDay 3: Cali, San Antonio Cloud Forest - El Queremal
At 5:30 am you will transfer to El Querema (40 minutes / 25 km), in the famous Alto-Anchicaya basin, teeming with stunning birds like Toucan Barbet (near-endemic), Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager (near-endemic), Red-faced Spinetail, uncommon and local Green Thorntail, Empress Brilliant, Glistening-green Tanager, Yellow-throated Tanager and Crested Ant Tanager (endemic). You can also look out for White-whiskered Hermit, nesting Chestnut-headed Oropendola, and many, many other species. Descending further down into the valley, you may sight birds such as the Ornate Flycatcher, Bright-rumped Attila, Long-tailed Tyrant, Cinnamon Becard, uncommon Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, and others.
Spend the morning birding along the road where the birds abound.
Accommodation: Araucana Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinnerDay 4: Araucana Lodge and transfer to Manizales
Today, the entire morning will be dedicated to discovering more species at the lodge, such as the Grayish Piculet, Colombian Chachalaca, Parker’s Antbird, Apical Flycatcher, Blue-headed Sapphire, Scale-crested Pygmy-tyrant, Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Long-billed Starthroat, Purple-throated Woodstar, Flame-rumped Tanager, Blue-necked Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager, Scrub Tanager, White-lined Tanager, Yellow-backed Oriole, Spectacled Parrotlet, Scaled Antpitta, Black-winged Saltator, and many of the 186 bird species recorded, including 4 endemics: Parkers Antbird, Colombian Chachalaca, Grayish Piculet, and Apical Flycatcher.Also, sightings of Bar-crested Antshrike, Spectacled Parrotlet, Purple-throated Woodstar, and Blue-headed Sapphire are possible; 17 species of hummingbirds also frequent the feeders, along with drinkers and bananas for fruit-eating species. You will enjoy an early lunch before being transferred to Manizaless (5 hours / 290 km).
Accommodation: Recinto del Pensamiento
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinnerDay 5: Rio Blanco Reserve
A 45-minute (15 km) drive from the hotel will take you to one of the world's best riding sites - Rio Blanco Reserve. It has wonderfully conserved Andean forests and approximately 380 recorded bird species. The local guides have for years, been feeding one of the most elusive bird genus around - Antpittas. These terrestrial forest birds, which hop out of the undergrowth as soon as they hear footsteps, make frequent appearances.During this morning we’ll be visiting the various Antpitta feeders and with a little patience, we may be able to see the vulnerable and endemic Brown-banded Antpitta, elusive and difficult Bi-coloured Antpitta, small and quick Slate-crowned Antpitta, the more common and bold Chestnut-crowned Antpitta and less common Chestnut-naped Antpitta. In total, there are 7 species of Antpitta found in the reserve, an astounding number and testament to what a special place this is.
After the Antpitta-fest, time will be dedicated to observing the rare Masked Saltator, often seen perching above the house, making Rio Blanco one of the best spots globally for this bird. We'll listen for the calls of Golden-Plumed Parakeets and look for uncommon species like White-capped Tanager and Barred Fruiteater. Colorful flocks will include Hooded, Lachrymose, and Blue-winged Mountain Tanagers, along with the rarer Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager. The morning will involve birdwatching along gravel roads, with stops to find elusive species like 'Tapaculos,' including the stunning Ocellated Tapaculo. Look out for the Black-billed Mountain-Toucan, Crimson-mantled, and Powerful Woodpeckers, as well as the lovely Cinnamon Flycatcher hunting insects above the road.
Various species of the Tangara genus will be passing by in mixed flocks but special attention will be paid to the uncommon and local Red-Hooded Tanager, the lush Grass-green Tanager and the emblematic Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher. Flying above we’ll be watching out for the local and uncommon Scaly-naped Parrot and strikingly colored Rusty-faced Parrot – a wonderful bird to add to the list if seen. At the reserve feeders, you’ll be able to sight many hummers and flowerpiercers such as the stunning Long-tailed Sylph, beautifully marked Collared Inca, territorial Buff-tailed Coronet, along with Andean Emerald, and Speckled Hummingbird. A massive list is possible at Rio Blanco and few birders leave disappointed.
Accommodation: Hacienda El Bosque
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Entrance fees: Rio Blanco ReserveDay 6: Otún Quimbaya Reserve - Tatamá National Park
A morning visit to Hacienda El Bosque near the CHEC forest reserve offers a great opportunity to spot the rare Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Barred Fruiteater, and the photogenic Crescent-faced Antpitta, which frequents feeders regularly. In the afternoon, you will be transferred to Termales del Ruiz to spend the night (42 minutes drive / +-22 km).Accommodation: Termales del Ruiz
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Entrance fees: CHEC Forest ReserveDay 7: Termales del Ruiz
Today will be a gem of a day birding, spotting all the high-Andean specialties and endemics which can be found in the hotel’s gardens and feeders located strategically along the old Manizales road, as well as at the entrance to the magical National Park of snow-capped peaks, Los Nevados. Targets include: Andean Condor, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Rufous-fronted Parakeet, Buffy Helmetcrest, Tawny Antpitta, Golden-breasted Puffleg, Black-thighed Puffleg, Rainbow-bearded Helmetcrest, Crested Cotinga, Sapphire-winged Hummingbird, Shining Sunbeam, Buff-winged Starfontlet, and various mountain tanagers.Breakfast will be taken either before leaving or on the trail, depending on the group's preferences. Time will also be spent visiting local areas of páramo, an otherworldly, high-altitude tundra ecosystem only found in five countries in the world. Colombia holds the lion’s share of this precious ecosystem, with 60% of the world’s total. The páramo is an ecosystem like no other; an essential producer and regulator of fresh water, home to specially adapted plant species, and recently described as the fastest-evolving ecosystem on Earth.
Transfer to Tinamú Birding Reserve in the afternoon (2 hours drive / 47 km)
Accommodation: Tinamú Birding Reserve
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinnerDay 8: Tinamú Birding Reserve
Spend a day exploring Tinamu reserve where over 230 species of bird have been reported. Species at the feeders offering excellent photographic opportunities are the Steely-vented Hummingbird, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Brown Violetear, Long-billed Starthroat, Grey-headed Tanager, White-shouldered Tanager, Scrub Tanager (near-endemic), Guira and Bay-headed Tanagers, Green Honeycreeper, Red-crowned Woodpecker, stunning Andean or Blue-crowned Motmot, Thick-billed Euphonia among many others.There is also a chance to see Golden-Crowned Warbler, Cocoa Woodcreeper Grey-headed Ground-Dove, Little Tinamous (after which the reserve is named), Spectacled Owl, Scaled Antpitta (difficult), Speckle-breasted Wren, Moustached Puffbird and many, many flycatchers.
Accommodation: Tinamú Birding Reserve
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinnerDay 9: Tinamú and transfer to Pereira
Morning birding in Tinamú and transfer to Pereira (1 hour drive approx. / 46 km).Accommodation: Movich Pereira
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinnerDay 10: The Trail of the Tapir
We will start the day very early to be transferred for 1.5 hours / 24 km to one of the most biodiverse areas of the Central Andes, Ucumari Natural Regional Park, in the foothills of Los Nevados National Natural Park. Ucumarí offers a wide diversity of flora and fauna in its ecosystem of Andean humid forest, one of the best spots to see the Andean tapir or Danta. El Cedral is also an excellent site to view some of the rare birds. Here, we'll be looking out for the Cauca Guan - endemic, Chestnut Wood-Quail - endemic, by the river Otun we'll be searching for the elusive Torrent Duck and Colombian Screech-Owl - near-endemic, Emerald Toucanet, the rare and difficult Hooded Antpitta - near-endemic, Rufous-breasted Flycatcher - near-endemic, Multicolored Tanager - endemic, difficult, seasonal but very beautiful White-capped Tanager, small Variegated Bristle-Tyrant, fairly common White-capped Dipper, enigmatic Wattled Guan, near-endemic Bar-crested Antshrike, Bronze-winged Parrot and flocks of vulnerable Golden-plumed Parakeet.You'll return to the lodge for a hearty lunch before heading out on the trails around the sanctuary looking for the inconspicuous Mustached Puffbird, endemic and sometimes very noisy Crested Ant-Tanager, skulking Stiles' Tapaculo, seasonal Andean Cock-of-the-rock and many more. After a beautiful morning birding, we will keep looking for monkeys such as the Red Howler-Monkey and of course our main target for today, the Danta or Andean Tapir.
Accommodation: Hotel Tinamú
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Entrance fee: Ucumari National Regional ParkDay 11: Departure
Today it is time to say goodbye to this beautiful country. Your guide will accompany you to the airport in Pereira (1.5 hours / 30 km).We hope that you will take home many great memories and perhaps you even come back to see more beautiful hidden corners of the country. And maybe you will also convince your friends and family that Colombia is a wonderful country with beautiful landscapes and warm inhabitants, which they should visit one day.
Meals: Breakfast
Be sure to check out our other birdwatching tours, hiking and walking tours, and bike tours!
The accommodations used on this tour include a mix of elegant hotels and unique and beautiful eco-lodges. In the itinerary, you will find the name of the hotel usually reserved on the tour. If the hotel listed is not available, a hotel of an equal standard will be offered.
What’s Included
- 10 nights accommodation in twin/double rooms with private facilities
- All meals & snacks
- English-speaking tour guide
- All transfers as mentioned in the itinerary
- Airport pick up in Pereira & drop off in Cali
- Activities as per itinerary
- Entrance fees as per itinerary
What’s Not Included
- Arrival & departure flights
- Excursions not mentioned in the itinerary
- Drinks with meals
- Birding equipment such as binoculars or cameras
- Gratuities
- Travel Insurance
Dates & Pricing
Daily departures all year round.
Please Note
- Rates are per person, based on double occupancy
- Tour prices are based on the fuel costs at time prices are set, often months or years in advance. In rare cases, additional fees may apply for fuel cost increases.
- Information to read before you book
- We recommend purchasing trip insurance
- Please see our FAQ
Prices on request.
Prices do not include the Colombian VAT tax (19%), as foreign travelers do not have to pay this.
Tours can only be confirmed based on availability. Participants must provide their passport information when booking.
The mentioned rates might be modified due to currency devaluation.
Extra Info
Skill Level — Easy
Birding in Colombia involves visits to a wide range of private reserves, national and regional parks, farms, and private properties. Although transport is provided to and from the main birding sites, participants of this tour should be prepared for walking on paved/well-maintained trails, as well as uneven and sometimes steep terrain. At the end of the day, birdwatching can entail as little or as much walking as you want.
Airport Info
Fly into Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport in Cali and out of Matecaña International Airport in Pereira.
Local Travel
Airport transfers to and from your last hotel are included. Major cities are never too far away from the main birding sites meaning that connections by both road and air are easy to coordinate. Infrastructure is generally excellent in the cities with it understandably lowering in level the more remote you go. Road connections are very good between major cities thanks to the construction of new highways, with most secondary and tertiary (unpaved) roads in good condition.
The Coffee Region has a moderate climate with temperatures that vary little throughout the year, with an average temperature of 72 F year-round. Rainfall is fairly constant at this altitude. Please refer to the averages below.
While birding and bird watching does not require a huge investment or much equipment, we absolutely recommend a good pair of binoculars and comfortable boots or walking shoes. A field guide and notebook are also a helpful addition, although your English-speaking guide would be happy to identify the birds you see along the way.
Meals: Most meals have been included as detailed in the day-by-day itinerary. Breakfasts will be generally early (around 5 am most days) to ensure you maximize the best times for bird activity. Field or packed lunches will generally be locally prepared dishes with a meat, rice or pasta, salad, and a natural fruit juice or water.
Activities: This is an extensive and well-paced birding itinerary, taking in a vast amount of birds across a wide variety of ecosystems. Expect final bird lists to be long and full of surprises. Most days will include a morning and afternoon session of birding, finishing before last light which tends to be around 5:30 pm.
Guides: A bilingual Birding Tour Leader will lead the tour from beginning to end and will have great experience at all of the sites mentioned. Local guides will be employed wherever possible to aid in identification and also to involve the local communities as much as possible.
Important to know
Before you travel, please check the passport and visa requirements of the country/countries you plan to visit. US and Canadian citizens do not need a visa to enter Colombia for stays shorter than 90 days. For any other nationality, Colombia's Foreign Affairs website has a useful tool to determine if you will need a visa (scroll towards the middle/end of the page to the dropdown menu and select your home country).
Tour Operator
This tour is run by WhereNext Travel.
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