Canada Bike Tour Reviews — 1 to 2 of 2


Kim R.
June 22, 2023

Verified Reviewer

· Prince Edward Island

Staying in Charlottetown … a lovely old town to explore. The Harbour House hotel was great.
Visiting all the sites associated with Anne of Green Gables in Cavendish.
The seafood was great.. would recommend the Blue Mussel at North Rustico and 21 Breakwater in Souris.
The side trip to Greenwich National Park from St Peter’s was great. There is an amazing floating boardwalk out to the dunes.
Tip : Take insect repellent… black flies were a problem in damp areas next to the trail

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Jaclyn D.
September 18, 2022

Verified Reviewer

· Nova Scotia’s South Shore

Taking in the seaside coast and charming scenery each day, while breezing along rolling hills - in such good company and with friendly support from the guide and my group-mates - was definitely a highlight :)
I would recommend having the gps app on your phone for quick and helpful communication with your guide - our guide was super in making sure ours were all set up correctly, so no worries if you’re not too tech-savvy :)

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